Madness Of The Night are a band from Germany that plays a mixture of gothic rock and metal and this is a review of their 2013 album "Asagarda" which was released by Massacre Records.
"Oppression(Remix)" which is also the first song on the album opens up with melodic guitar leads and drum programming and a few seconds later synths kick in along with some melodic female vocals and towards the end there is a brief use of male vocals.
"The State of Madness" begins with gothic rock style riffs that utilize a good amount of melody along with programmed drum beats and you can also hear bass guitars in the background before the vocals kick in along with some guitar leads.
"Theater Of Life" opens up with drum beats along with some bass and melodic guitar leads which leads to vocals kicking in and there is also a brief use of clean sections in the song for a few seconds before it returns to its normal pace.
"We Are Goth Rockers And We Don't Care" kicks in with heavy gothic rock/metal guitar riffs and leads along with some programmed drum beats and synths which also leads to melodic vocals kicking in and you can also hear bass guitars in the background.
"She is the Demon" starts up with dark ambient sounding synths and melodic vocals and after awhile a small amount of guitar and bass riffs find their way into the song and there is no use of heavy guitar parts in the song.
"Terrorroom" comes in with heavy and melodic sounding guitar riffs along with some synths and drum beats which also leads to some clean guitars and melodic vocals while also keeping around the heavier parts and towards the end the bass guitars start getting more powerful.
"Voices Of The People" hits it off with synths and vocals before adding in programmed drums beats and melodic guitar riffs and leads and the song sticks to an old school gothic rock formula while also having a small amount of metal influence.
"Java Zigenare" is introduced with 80's style songs and programmed drum beats as well as some clean guitars which also leads up to melodic vocals before getting a little bit more heavier while also being melodic at the same time as well as switching between clean and heavy parts and towards the end there is a brief sue of guitar leads as well as the vocals getting more aggressive.
"Stand Up" makes its way in with operatic style vocals along with some synths before adding in programmed beats and melodic guitar riffs and the song is very long and epic in length over 7 minutes.
"Jephania" finds its way in with some dark organic sounding synths and a minute later programmed drum beats and melodic guitar leads make their way into the song along with some melodic male vocals shortly after that as well as female vocals.
"We Are Goth Rockers And We Don't Care(Remix) which is also the last song on this album is a remix version of the song with the same name that was on the album early on.
Lyrics cover darkness and tolerance themes, while the production has a very strong, powerful, heavy and professional sound where you can hear all of the musical instruments that are present on this recording.
In my opinion Madness Of the Night are a very great sounding gothic rock band with elements of metal and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should check out this recording. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "The State of Madness" "We Are Goth Rockers And We Don't Care" "She is the Demon" and "Java Zigenare". RECOMMENDED BUY.