This Will Destroy You are a band from San Marcos, Texas that plays a mixture of post rock, doom metal and shoegaze and this is a review of their 2013 album "Live In Reyjavik, Iceland" which was released by Magic Bullet Records.
"A Three Legged Workhorse'' begins with shoegaze and experimental sound effects which then leads to some clean post rock guitar riffs and drum programming as well as some powerful bass guitars and you can hear some ambient synths in the background which also lead to some heavy guitar riffs and then the song starts switching back and forth between soft and heavy parts.
"There Are Some Remedies Worse than The Disease' begins with some clean post rock guitar riffs which then leads to some synths, bass and drums and as time goes on by the music starts getting alot more diverse and towards the end there is a brief use of heavy guitar riffs being utilized before closing with shoegaze sounds.
"Black Dunes" begins with Australian ethnic sounds and spoken word samples and after a minute experimental sounds and ambient synths make their way into the song as well as some drum programming and after a few minutes heavy guitar riffs start making their way into the song and towards the end the music returns to a more clean direction.
"Burial On The Presido Banks" begins with some sound effects and synths and a minute later programmed drums start coming into the song as well as some bass guitars in the background and towards the end there is a brief use of heavy guitar riffs being utilized.
"Glass Realms begins with some sound effects and synths and this song is more in an ambient vein while also having some shoegaze and post rock elements but there is not much in the way of guitars.
"Communal Blood" begins with some background drone sounds and synths along with some bass guitars shortly after that and after awhile heavy post rock/doom metal guitar riffs and drums make their presence known.and towards the end the music goes into a more soft and ambient direction along with some soundscapes.
"Quiet" begins with some ambient sounding synths and after awhile drum beats make their way into the song and a couple of minutes later heavy bass guitars make their way into the song along with some regular guitars.
"They Move On Tracks Of Never Ending Light" begins with some clean guitar playing and after a couple of minutes you can hear some synths in the background which leads to some drum programming and nature sounds.
"Little Smoke" begins with some synths and after awhile drums and heavy guitar riffs start making their way into the song and after a few minutes the song starts going into a more clean direction and the song closes with audience sounds.
"The Mighty Rio Grande" begins with some drone sounds and clean post rock guitar playing and a minute later drum beats start making their way into the song as well as some shoegaze style synths and as time goes by the music starts getting alot more diverse.
"Threads'' begins with some acoustic guitar playing which then leads to some synths and drums and after a couple of minutes the music starts getting more powerful and distorted along with some gutiar riffs
Song themes cover existentialism, while the production has a very strong, powerful, heavy and professional sound where you can hear all of the musical instruments that are present on this album with all of the songs being recorded live as well as being long and epic in length.
In my opinion This Will Destroy You are a very great sounding hybrid of post rock, shoegaze and doom metal and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should check out this band. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "A Three Legged Workhorse" "Black Dunes" ''Little Smoke" and "Threads". RECOMMENDED BUY.
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