Chron Goblin are a band from Calgary, Alberta, Canada that plays stoner rock and this is a review of their self released 2013 album "Life For The Living".
"Deserter" begins with some heavy and psychedelic guitar riffs along with some drums which leads to some powerful bass playing and distorted leads and after awhile the music gets heavier and mixes in melodic stoner rock vocals and stays in the same direction for a few minutes before slowing down and adding in doom metal elements.
"Dry Summer" begins with some drum beats and powerful bass guitars which in return leads to some heavy and melodic guitar riffs along with some vocals and after awhile 70's rock guitar leads make their way into the mix.
"Lonely Prey" begins with some heavy guitar riffs and drums which leads to some vocals kicking in a few seconds later along with some heavy bass guitar riffing which leads to the rhythm guitars adding in more melody while also remaining heavy all at the same time and a few minutes later t heir is a brief use of guitar leads.
"Big Baby" begins with a sound from motorcycles before the bass guitars, drums, harmonicas and slide guitar kicks in which sets up the mood for some blues rock style singing along with some heavier guitar riffing which leads to some drums kicking in and taking the song into a heavier direction along with a brief use of guitar leads.
"Give No More" begins with some clean and soft guitar playing and after awhile drums and vocals start making their way into the song as well as a melodic blues guitar lead which leads to some heavy guitar riffs along with a brief use of guitar leads in certain parts as well as the riffing getting more diverse as the song moves on.
"Anesthetize" begins with some heavy and melodic guitar riffs along with some drums and a brief use of psychedelic guitar leads which leads to the vocals kicking in as well as the riffing bringing in thrash elements along the stoner elements and a minute later powerful bass guitars came in along with some psych sound effects before going into a more dark and melodic direction along with some guitar solos coming in briefly.
"Life For The Living" begins with some clean psychedelic guitar riffing which leads up to some bass guitars and drums and after awhile heavy guitar riffs start making their presence known as well as setting up the mood for some vocals and after a few seconds their is a brief use of psych effects before going into an even heavier direction.
"Blood Flow" begins with some heavy guitar riffs and drums which set up the mood for some vocals which then leads to some melody getting mixed into the heavy guitar riffs and a few minutes there is a brief use of 70's rock style guitar leads.
"Control" begins with a drum solo which leads to some melodic guitar riffs which then leads to some vocals a minute later as well as the riffing getting heavier and as the song moves on the music gets alot more diverse.
"Any Day" begins with some drums, bass and rhythm guitar riffs which also set up the mood for some melodic vocals and brief melodic guitar leads and as the song moves on it starts getting more diverse and towards the end you can hear another guitar solo being used for a few seconds.
Song lyrics cover everyday and stoner themes, while the production has a very strong, powerful, heavy and professional sound for being a self released recording where you can hear all of the musical instruments that are present on the recording.
In my opinion Chron Goblin are a very great sounding stoner rock band and if you are a fan of t his musical genre, you should check out this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Deserter" "Big Baby" "Life For The Living" and "Any Day". RECOMMENDED BUY.
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